Thursday, January 19, 2012

Baby Backpacks (My Favorite Things #2)

Of all the baby equipment available to moms and dads, I would have to say that I rate baby carriers right up there with car seats and diapers. This is why I want to share my experience with several different packs that we have used.

Baby Bjorn

When we had Jenna, a wonderful friend that I worked with loaned me her baby Bjorn carrier. The first time I put Jenna in it, I was convinced a strap would randomly break sending my newborn baby crashing to the floor. She was just over a month old when we first tried it out, and it looked a bit like this...

I'm not quite sure what she was thinking, but she made that face the entire time she was in the pack.

When Jenna was almost two months old, we took her on her very first hike. She was such a sweetheart... She slept through the whole thing! (I found out this would become a common occurrence on our hikes)

Multnomah Falls

We used this pack A LOT, and I finally overcame my fear of having to hold her in case the straps broke! Here are a few of my pros, cons, and thoughts on this particular pack:

PROS: It's small and lightweight, so it doesn't take up much room in the car or packing it to go on trips. You can carry very tiny babies in it. (I think we stopped carrying her in it at about a year old). Simple to use (no confusing strap systems). Baby can face towards you or away from you.

CONS: Lacks any form of back support, so as the baby gets bigger, it is a big strain on your back. Not a very long lasting pack (in terms of baby age) for the price you pay. There is no barrier between you and the baby, so if you get sweaty while hiking, the baby gets soaked. Ew.

Thoughts: While the Baby Bjorn brand packs seem to be popular, I personally would never buy one. I did enjoy the one we had, but you can get an off-brand pack for a much lower price and (most likely) similar quality. The style of pack did seem quite comfortable to Jenna, and she loved when she was carried outward facing so she could see the world.

Kelty Pinnacle Child Carrier

The second pack we have used with Jenna, we picked up from a garage sale. It had only been used once and was in excellent condition for a ridiculously low price. This pack has a metal frame and while we couldn't use it until she grew into it a bit (about 7 months old), it was much better for supporting her weight, especially on long hikes.

Hiking the tops of the plateaus in Central Oregon

Sleeping Baby
PROS: (There are quite a few, so I'll just pick my favorites) Hip belt and adjustable straps to fit most sizes of adults and take some strain off of your back. Adjustable straps for baby allow you to use it for a wide age range. Has a detachable hood, see through rain windows, and backpacks. Easy to use and you can get it on and off without help (unless your baby weighs a lot). Baby doesn't sit right next to your body so they don't get overheated and/or sweaty from whoever is carrying them.

CONS: The shoulder straps for baby are easy to slip out of (I sewed on an extra chest clip so she couldn't slip out). It's rather large and bulky, making it less than ideal for use while travelling. When baby falls asleep, there is no place to rest their head. (As you can see in the picture above, Jenna's head did rest against the elastic/mesh part of the sunshade, but it would periodically slip out and wake her up)

Thoughts: This backpack has been a must-have for us. We have been able to go on longer, more adventurous hikes with this pack. It is quite comfortable for the person carrying the baby (considering you are packing around 30lbs on your back) and Jenna seemed to find it comfortable as well. She liked being up high so she could see what was going on around her. One of the biggest issues was when she would shift her weight. She would like to lean out to the sides for a better view and it would throw the weight around making it a pain (literally) at times.

Ergo Baby Carrier

We were planning a trip to Hawaii and I really wanted to do some hiking this time (I was pregnant the time before). I knew that our Kelty pack was just too huge to take with us, but I wasn't even sure there were packs designed for bigger kids (Jenna was 20 months old - and very tall). After doing some extensive research and enlisting the advice of several friends who owned the packs, I started dreaming of owning an Ergo. I was dreaming because we had a tight budget for our vacation, and these packs aren't cheap - even used. Thankfully, God answers prayers, and I happened to find a gently used one for half the price other used ones were going for. Hooray!

Hawaiian Jungle

I LOVE THIS PACK! I never imagined carrying a 30lb baby up a muddy, rocky, jungle trail to a waterfall could be so comfortable. When I put Jenna in the pack, she instantly snuggles up against me and gives me big hugs.
Sleeping baby - again.
(We really do give her normal naps in comfy beds!)

PROS: Lightweight durable fabric carrier. Compact, so it's easy to travel with. Extremely comfortable and easy to use. Waste strap alleviates back strain. Has a sleep hood you can pull up and snap to keep child's head from bobbing around. Can carry child on your front, back, and several other ways. Able to carry infants (need a special insert) up to toddlers.

CONS: When carrying the child on your front, the buckle can be tricky to get closed on your back sometimes. Child is carried against your body, so there is not much ventilation (the sweaty problem again). The child is not able to face away from you while carrying them on your front.

Thoughts: I would highly recommend this pack to anyone and everyone. I may sound a bit over the top, but I was astonished at how comfortable it was to carry Jenna in it. She was cuddled in safe and secure, so there was no need to support her with my hands, which left me free to make sure I kept my balance on tricky parts in the trail. She loves exploring with us in her pack, and I love having her close and getting to cuddle her the whole time!

Now we just need to find a pack to carry her with our hiking packs!

Backpacking Eagle Cap Mountain
(Jenna stayed home for this one!)

*I know that besides packs, there are other options like slings and the Moby wrap - These just aren't practical for our lifestyle so I chose not to include them.
**Just a reminder that these opinions are all mine... but I wish I was reimbursed for them! ha ha ha!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Microwave Chicken (My Favorite Things #1)

You know when somebody tells you something along the lines of... "This recipe is made from sticks and twigs, but you would NEVER guess, it tastes just like that decadent lemon cake from the Macaroni Grill you love so much!" You know what I'm talking about... Cauliflower "mashed potatoes", Ritz cracker "apple pie", zucchini "apple pie", and the list goes on. I have an incredibly hard time getting my brain and taste buds to agree on those recipes.

Now, the recipe I'm going to share is a little bit like that... The first time somebody told me I could cook chicken in the microwave, I was disgusted. Ew. No thanks! So of course, one day we went to my friend's house for dinner and guess what we're having? Yes. Microwave chicken.

As she was preparing the chicken, I was groaning inwardly, while outwardly smiling and saying how great, wonderful, blah blah blah microwave chicken must be. When we sat down to dinner, it was INCREDIBLE. It was the best roast chicken I have ever had and super simple!

What you need for this recipe is a stoneware Deep Covered Baker (Pampered Chef), whole chicken, and spices of your choice. I buy the foster farms chickens that are around 4lbs or so. I recently found them on sale for $0.79/lb and that is a good price in our area. I paid $4.01 for this chicken and we were able to get at least 3 meals out of it for our family of three.

The first step is to rinse off your chicken under cold water and remove all of the random giblet-y parts from the inside cavity. I prefer to take the skin off of my chicken prior to cooking it. To do this, I just loosen the skin and pull it off. I use my kitchen shears to cut off any stubborn areas and trim the fat off as well. When I've finished this, I always give my chicken a good rinse under cold water.

Now you need to pat your chicken dry with paper towels. Then plop it into your baker breast side up and sprinkle seasonings over it. You can season both sides, but I usually just do the top. Salt, pepper, and a little garlic powder make a tasty treat. I like to cover my chicken in the Pampered Chef Smoky BBQ Rub. Mmmmmm.....

Okay, are you ready for the REALLY hard part? Put the lid on the chicken, and toss it in the microwave for 30 minutes on high heat. Make sure to test with a meat thermometer when done! (I've found that mine comes out perfect at only 25 minutes).

*Because I took the skin off of my chicken, the outside isn't actually crispy. The golden brown color is from the BBQ rub that I used on it.

I love how simple this recipe is, and the chicken ALWAYS turns out amazingly delicious and moist. And thanks to Pasta Roni, I can have a complete meal ready in less than 45 minutes (including prep work) AND have time to read a chapter or two in my book while everything is cooking!

Here are a couple of tips for the leftovers: After the chicken has cooled and you have eaten your first meal from it, take all of the meat off the bone and store in the refrigerator. Sometimes I take the chicken carcass and toss it in a pot of water with veggies to make homemade chicken stock. Then I use the chicken I saved for enchiladas, stir fry, sandwiches, etc.

Now, I must add that while this meal saves our family money by not eating out, and using our leftovers wisely, the initial cost of the Deep Covered Baker can cost up to $85. But please don't stop reading now that you saw that price tag! If you know me, you will know that I love saving money and budgeting. I don't just go out and splurge on expensive kitchen items very often (I do however, struggle with buying cute cupcake liners that I don't need).

I am not a Pampered Chef consultant (any more) and I'm not trying to talk you into buying a Deep Covered Baker to make money for myself - in fact, quite the opposite - I believe that by having this, you can save money. We eat out less often when we have quick, easy, and healthy meals at home. I am also in no way being compensated for this review and all words and thoughts are my own! However... I suggest that if you want to purchase a Deep Covered Baker, call up your Pampered Chef consultant (if you don't have one, I know several!) and host a party. It will seriously save you SO MUCH MONEY and it's really not that much work.

Oh... and just so you know... the chicken is only one of MANY incredible recipes I make in my baker!

In Need of Some Motivation!

Apparently my blog name may be a bit too true! I looked back at my few blog posts and realize it's been MONTHS since I lasted posted anything. Perhaps it's just a slow start.

So... Because I need some motivation, I have decided to publicly announce (to my extremely small audience) that I have a plan!

There are some things in life that are just too good to keep a secret, and so, I will be starting a small segment on "My Favorite Things" with the first post up sometime this week!